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Eat to support your brain health


I am a Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach with over 15 years of clinical practice and with a specialist knowledge of diet and nutritional support for Parkinson’s Disease.

I take a holistic approach when working with my clients and I will help you with any additional health challenges you may have to support your overall health and your Parkinson’s Disease symptoms.

I recommend working in collaboration with medical professionals, such as your GP or Neurologist and take into account any medical reports and diagnostic tests clients have undertaken. The service that I offer does not replace that provided by your GP or Consultant as I am not a doctor.

In fact, I encourage my clients to seek medical advice where appropriate and to compile medical reports undertaken and blood analysis so that I can gather all the necessary information to create individualised nutritional programme.


Nutritional Therapy is an evidence-based complementary therapy, which applies nutrition and lifestyle science to underlying pathophysiology, resulting in personalised health improvement advice.

As a Nutritional Therapist

I apply the latest hypotheses and evidence-based research in nutrition and health sciences to you and your symptoms and come up with a diet, lifestyle and I may recommend a supplement plan to support your needs.

I will also bring in some coaching to help you put the recommendations into practice in a meaningful way or to break through whatever barriers that have held you back in past

I have a track record of working with individuals with a number of different conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease helping them to use nutrition to improve their quality of life.

How do I work as a Functional Medicine Practitioner?

I address the underlying causes of your health problems by applying Functional Medicine.

Functional medicine offers a different way of viewing the gut and approaching clinical management by moving away from symptom-based diagnosis to understanding underlying dysfunction and dis-ease by utilising personalised nutrition and lifestyle medicine. If we don’t fix the WHY all we do is address/manage the symptoms.

To identify the WHY, I normally recommend specialised functional testing to take the guess work out of your digestive issues. They give us a road map to follow a very precise nutritional protocol unique to your needs. This is called personalised nutrition.

Simply put, without testing and finding out the WHY fixing your digestive problems is less certain.

I also use coaching alongside the functional medicine approach which allows me to support you as whole person, not just disconnected symptoms. It also helps me to address the root causes of any health problems. I focus on a “can do” attitude, finding ways to overcome barriers, increase motivation and to get you excited about all the wonderful food choices available as well as working on eliminating cravings and hunger. As a result, most of my clients who follow a personalized diet and lifestyle programmes see significant positive improvements to their health and wellbeing within just 3-6 months, some within just 1-2 week. To book your complimentary call now click the button below.

Work With an Expert

I am a registered nutritional therapist with a Masters Degree (MSc) in nutrition (CNELM, Middlesex University, and a qualified NLP (neuro linguistic programming) practitioner and Health Coach. Melody also has a degree in Psychology from Bristol University (BSc Hons Psychology).

I was awarded a Distinction at The Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION, in London and was awarded the prize for Clinical Excellence. This training clinic is regarded as one of the leading nutritional therapy organisations in the UK, with a reputation for both clinical and academic excellence.

I am also a member of the following professional bodies:

I have also worked in collaboration with Lucille Leader and Dr Geoffrey Leader supporting individuals with Parkinson’s disease and at the award winning London Clinic of Nutrition (, supporting clients across a range of autoimmune, digestive, hormonal and neurological conditions.

Melody undertakes over 100 hours of professional enhancement training courses (CPD) each year to ensure she employs the latest cutting-edge research and information in her practice. Most recently, she undertook all training modules at the internationally acclaimed Kharrazian Institute (, attended the Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine conference hosted by Dr Rangan Chattergee ( and ( and undertook in-depth training with world expert, Dr Jason Hawrelak ( on Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Approaches to Gastrointestinal Health (